31 January 2009

Pencil roll

Hay alguien que va a quedarse tranquila tras recibir este regalo. This pencill roll is for a friend, she should have got it a long time ago, but it took me a while to gather all the different fabrics to match the colours. But finally, here it is.
It's Saturday afternoon and I hate frontiers.

18 January 2009


The last time I made a bag for myself was in the summer, so I think I deserved one. It looks perfect for spring, but I think I'll be wearing it tomorrow.
The bag has been a bit of a challenge as I've made my first inside zippered pocket and put my first magnetic clasp (which actually was dead easy). It' the first tome I make this pattern, so that also has it's difficulties, but... I'm happy how it came out. Th small yo-yos are temporary, I want to get a different decoration but I still haven't figured it out.

9 January 2009

A cold day

It's cold today and it's been snowing in Madrid, something not too frequent. And it's still snowing. As someone very bright from the city council said to justify the chaos in the city "It's winter, and it snows in winter". The person who said that is Aznar's wife, a very bright and friendly to Bush president we had over here, so what else can you expect. It has to be couple thing.
And it feels too cold to sew. I'm dying to make something for myself but the cosyness of the sofa and my nice blanket stops me.
It's always that when I'm at work, editing a manuscript or proofreading, that I start thinking that I wish I was home to sew something. Always the wrong timing.
So I'm sitting here on my own in this freezing cold flat and I wish I could be playing with my niece, chatting to my boyfriend or walking down Kastanienallee in Berlin on a quiet spring morning.

6 January 2009

The Three Wise Men came to my house last night and left these for my aunties. Two small purses with an elastic (security bag type) and a pincushion. They also left a new printer for myself, exactly the one I wanted, that's why they are wise...